boztopia Jun 06, 2008 14:23
surveillance, credit scores, virginia, technology, mortgage meltdown, john mccain, cute overload, security, fair isaac, imperial stormtroopers, warrantless wiretapping, forbes, telecom immunity, paper trail, george w. bush, flickr, democrats, economy, credit card, e-voting, techdirt., stupid things i read on the internets, audits, recommended reading, housing slump, nissan pavilion, jim webb, fico
boztopia May 28, 2008 18:04
gi bill, surveillance, john mccain, warrantless wiretapping, raising kaine, telecom immunity, dick cheney, republicans, senate, mudcat saunders, matthew yglesias, democrats, kathy g., progressivism, stupid things i read on the internets, george allen, lowell feld, spying, fisa, jim webb
boztopia Mar 25, 2007 06:44
macac0wn3d, honeybees, television, populism, technology, lucius vorenus, sunfell, dcist, titus pullo, not the bees!!!!, gun ban, sam brownback, culture, constitution, voting rights, macaca, battlestar galactica, government, progressivism, stupid things i read on the internets, american prospect, ryan avent, apophis 99942, rome, nancy pelosi, jim webb, john boehner, washington dc
boztopia Nov 08, 2006 09:33
gay marriage, illegal immigration, abu gonzo, democrats, government, arizona, congress, jon tester, anti-abortion, george allen, george w.bush, republicans, jim webb, george w. bush
boztopia Nov 07, 2006 19:47
democrats, capitol hill, macaca, government, congress, afghanistan, gulf coast, disaster, george allen, post-9/11 world, 2006 election, jim webb, george w. bush
boztopia Oct 31, 2006 11:28
steve gilliard, democrats, macaca, government, miserable failure, congress, george allen, 2006 election, jim webb, george w. bush